6 Best Degree Programs that Helps to Become a CEO

Best Undergraduate Degrees to Become a CEO

Let’s see quickly the overall of becoming a CEO of a company. A CEO supervises
his or her organization’s finance to higher managerial level staff and train them to
achieve a business goal. CEO is the main point of communication between the
board of directors and the corporate operations and public face of the company
while managing and controlling the corporate decisions, operations and resources
of the company effectively and efficiently to achieve the organizational goals and
objectives. This can be either local or global achievements depending on the
operational nature of the company.

Famous Best Degrees to become CEOs

Engineering and Business Management are the most popular degrees with CEOs,
Engineering degrees address various areas such as civil, Robotics, Software,
electrical, and automatic, and graduates can access into different industries base
on the technical Know-how. On the other hand, business programs which focus
on economics, finance, marketing, Accounting, business management and
Business administration too will pave the way to be a CEO. They are also being
selected up base on creative thinking, decision-making, organizational
development, and leadership skills. Anyway business and engineering don’t have full domination over CEO position. Many Other CEOs major in other degrees like Political science, art, computer technology & History. Anyhow Degree.lk identifies five best degrees that helps to become a CEO. The degrees are

B.S. Business Administration

B.S. Business Administration degree intends to give students a strong academic foundation in core business functions, including general business administration, accounting, finance, project management, IT, HR, marketing and sales, international business communication, supply chain management, and organizational behavior. These competencies are resilient enough that upon
graduation, careers in different areas may be available. Students may initially be involved in business administration because they feel they have administration skills and believe they could powerfully manage organizations.

Doug McMillon: President and CEO at Walmart

B.S. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

The title of electrical engineering usually involves electronics engineering. Electrical engineers mainly focus on large-scale production and electrical power distribution; electronics engineers are concerned with smaller electronic circuits and regularly work with computers and other advanced technologies. However, any undergraduate education will include details of both electrical and electronics engineering. Computer science is the subject of computers and computing, as well as their academic and functional utilization. Computer science utilizes mathematics, engineering, and logic teachings to serve a surplus of purposes, including algorithm formulation, software, hardware development, and artificial intelligence.

Jeff Bezos, Founder: Chairman, and CEO at Amazon
Mary Barra: CEO at General Motors

B.A. Economics

Economics is a social science category that includes investigating the production, distribution and using products and services accessible in the market. It consists of a broad spectrum of subjects involved with how economies communicate, affect and address the world dynamics. It is becoming a frequently attractive selection of study between students and is a universally recognized qualification too!

Warren Buffett: Chairman and CEO

B.S. Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering brings many international students yearly. It ensures the most reliable of Engineering and Business. It provides undergrads the fundamental opinions about the design, planning, and optimization of production and manufacturing methods. That’s the heart of an Industrial Engineering degree.

Tim Cook: CEO at Apple

B.B.A. in Finance

The chartered accountant label is worldwide, and it applies to professional accountants who are qualified to deliver on several particular projects within the spectrum of accountancy. Such responsibilities include auditing financial statements, filing of corporate tax returns, and financial advising. Most of the Giant Corporates Run by Accountant or with their financial advice.
John Stankey CEO at AT&T

Master’s in material sciences and engineering

Materials engineering jobs include the study, expansion, and testing of materials required in various manufactured products. Those in a materials science engineering profession may work to discover new methods for existing materials, or they may use primary characters of materials—metals, ceramics, plastics, semiconductors, and composites—to produce brand-new things that meet the terms of an appropriate project.

Sundar Pichai, CEO at Alphabet (Pichai has been the CEO of Google since 2015)

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