00 NG
This course is great for those who have passed WSET Level 1 in Spirits or have reasonable prior knowledge of Spirits and wish to peruse their carrier to supervisory, training or management level in the wines and spirits field.
There are no restrictions on entry to the WSET®Level2 Award in Spirits. Candidates who are under the legal minimum age for the retail purchase of alcoholic beverages in the country where the examination is being held will not be allowed to sample any alcoholic beverage as part of their course, but this is not a barrier to successfully completing the qualification. Similarly, candidates who choose not to taste alcohol for health, religious or other reasons will not find this a barrier to successfully completing the qualification.
AIB Sri Lanka, Charles Place, Colombo, Sri Lanka
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
no. 85 Galle Road, Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia, Colombo, Sri Lanka
no. 85 Galle Road, Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia, Colombo, Sri Lanka
no. 85 Galle Road, Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Beverage Academy Int'l (Pvt) Ltd, Rajagiriya - Kotte, Sri Lanka
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