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Brief overview on Research Paradigms, Sampling Techniques, research design and cleaning of data.
Demonstrating with live data to understand the different types of analyses that can be conducted using SPSS. And to use a combination of these analyses in a study, especially in mixed-methods research or when addressing multifaceted research questions.
Many researchers and student do not succeed in their final presentation as there are many pitfalls in the pre-analysis as well as in interpreting and presenting insights from their analysis. This workshop is delivered by top researchers and educationists in Sri Lanka so that the research candidates could gain from all the wealth of knowledge the trainers bring to this workshop.
Interactive Discussions on challenges faced when analyzing data for a research project. Many researchers find the pitfalls and gaps in their knowledge only in the middle of a research project. These constraints are unique to each researcher or the research project. Therefore, we want to address these constraints and possible solutions during the workshop in order to promote additional insights on how to avoid these in the future.
Life Skill Academy, Borella Rd, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka
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