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Strategy and planning is a major aspect of digital marketing. A scoped, measured and achievable digital strategy along with a coherena and holistic plan for your organization can drastically cut the spend and step up the return from your marketing efforts.
This industry aligned certification will enhance your credibility and help you stand apart as you become a specialist. This certification has been designed to build experts in Digital Marketing Strategy and Planning.
The Digital Marketing Institute has worked with leading industry experts to define a digital strategy and planning certification designed to build leaders. Become a specialist in strategy and planning to gain the knowledge and competencies required to create effective decisions, budget effectively and thrive in today’s digital economy.
The professional certification is tailored professionals who are responsible for the planning, implementation and measurement of digital marketing campaigns. Similarly, it would suit anyone wishing to secure a senior digital marketing position in the future or flourish in one they currently occupy.
Life Skill Academy, Borella Rd, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka
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