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Part Time/ Full Time
06 Months
This qualification is closely aligned with the specification for Assessment and Quality Assurance of Assessment originally developed by Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK) after consultations with awarding organisations, Sector Skills Councils and learning and development experts. It is also aligned closely with the National Occupational Standards developed by LLUK and enables learners to gain the knowledge, skills and understanding to assess vocational skills, knowledge and understanding in a variety of contexts, for example a workshop, classroom or other training environment.
The programme enables learners to demonstrate their skills by producing evidence from their work activities.
There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification. This qualification is suitable for those who work within any sector where assessment forms part of the education and training cycle. It provides Learners with an opportunity to demonstrate their competence in assessing vocational achievement.
English requirements: If a learner is not from a majority English-speaking country, they must provide evidence of English language competency. For more information visit English Language Expectations page.
Life Skill Academy, Borella Rd, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka
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