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00 NG
Introduction: Language in the school curriculum; Place of mother tongue
Special aspects of teaching Language: Tamil vocabulary, and Sanskrit alphabets used;
listening, comprehension, and expression; development of creativity; problems
encountered in the teaching of Tamil and ways and means of overcoming them.
Problems of the Tamil teacher: level of language development of the students; effects of
the language used at home and the community; remedial measures to be undertaken
Teaching of Various aspects of Tamil: Poetry, Literature, and grammar; optimum
development of the basic skills in language Learning-Listening, Reading and Writing.
Instructional Aids in Teaching Tamil: Audio, Visual and Audio-Visual materials; using
modern technology to the teaching of Tamil. Place of text books in the teaching of Tamil
Lesson planning and Notes of lesson for teaching Tamil
Assessment and Evaluation of learning; constructing and employing appropriate
assessment Instruments.
Lanka TEFL Training Institute, 2/1 Old Kottawa Road, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
Lanka TEFL Training Institute, 2/1 Old Kottawa Road, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
Lanka TEFL Training Institute, 2/1 Old Kottawa Road, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
Lanka TEFL Training Institute, 2/1 Old Kottawa Road, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
Lanka TEFL Training Institute, 2/1 Old Kottawa Road, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
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