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Introduction: Definition of Science and science as seen by Educationists; Values of learning
science. Science for the non-scientist and for the future scientist; Different branches of
Aims and objectives of teaching Sciences in the Secondary Schools: Science as a body of
knowledge; development of concepts and principles; Development of scientific attitudes
and scientific thinking in children; Process and products of science learning; Place of science
in the Secondary School curriculum
Knowing the Scientists’ method of investigation: Planned Investigation and the Scientific
method; Inductive and deductive methods; Models and theories in science
Techniques and methods of teaching science: Teaching for understanding and meaningful
learning; Integrated approach to the teaching of science; Experimental learning approaches
– demonstration, discovery learning, activity methods, science projects, field work, and
problem-solving; Use of instructional materials.
Utilizing Auxiliary activities to science learning: science exhibition; science clubs; science
camps; science fairs
Laboratory and Practical work: Importance of practical work to learning of science;
Organization and conduct of practical sessions; Organization and maintenance of a
laboratory-physics, chemistry, biologyand science; Improvisation of apparatuses in the
laboratory; Safety measures to be followed in a laboratory Evaluation of student
achievement: Planning continuous assessment procedures; Giving due place to
assessment of practical work; Construction and use of instruments for assessment under
each of the three domains-cognitive, Psycho-motor and Affective; Use of assessment
results for further development and remedial measures among pupils.
AIB Sri Lanka, Charles Place, Colombo, Sri Lanka
F9PC+42M Kurunegala, Sri Lanka
Lanka TEFL Training Institute, 2/1 Old Kottawa Road, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
Lanka TEFL Training Institute, 2/1 Old Kottawa Road, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
Lanka TEFL Training Institute, 2/1 Old Kottawa Road, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
Lanka TEFL Training Institute, 2/1 Old Kottawa Road, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
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