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ICT education: Technology for teaching and learning; Importance of ICT education in
different disciplines; Impact of suitable curriculum in ICT teaching; Influence of rapid
changes in ICT and curriculum
Methods and techniques for teaching ICT: Identifying and employing suitable methods of
teaching ICT: lecture, demonstration, brainstorming, and student practice; Techniques to
improve creativity of students: individual and group: animation, blocks, sequence
diagrams, and the like; Software tools and teaching: LMS (e-thaksalawa, google classroom);
Hardware tools: SMART Board, Tab; Social networking application in teaching (eg: Edmodo)
Teaching aids for teaching ICT: materials and models; audio-visual
Organization and maintenance of ICT Laboratory/ rooms: Basic requirements and
organization; Availability of services; Hazards / accidents; Maintenance; Precautions
Co-curricular activities related to ICT teaching: ICT clubs; ICT associations; Exhibitions/
incorporating new inventions; Accommodating resources outside the school; Affiliations to
acceptable agencies and donors
Notes of Lesson: Writing notes of lesson in the traditional format; Utilizing online facilities
in the preparation of notes of lesson: Preparing work cards and other student self-learning
Evaluation and Monitoring: Evaluation tools for formative and summative evaluation;
Diagnostic evaluation and remedial activities; Designing and conducting online
assessments; Techniques of incorporating students participation in evaluation.
AIB Sri Lanka, Charles Place, Colombo, Sri Lanka
F9PC+42M Kurunegala, Sri Lanka
Lanka TEFL Training Institute, 2/1 Old Kottawa Road, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
Lanka TEFL Training Institute, 2/1 Old Kottawa Road, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
Lanka TEFL Training Institute, 2/1 Old Kottawa Road, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
Lanka TEFL Training Institute, 2/1 Old Kottawa Road, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
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