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Introduction: English as an International Language; Objectives of Teaching English as a
second language
Place of English in the School Curriculum: Teaching of English at different levels: Primary
and Secondary; English as a second language for the G.C.E O/L Examination; English
Literature at the G.C.E O/L; English as a Subject for the G.C.E A/L Classes
Barriers to learning of English: Problems encountered in the learning of English in relation
to content and methods: lack of competent Teaching personnel and inadequacy of
resources; Ways of overcoming these barriers.
Approaches to the Teaching of English: A brief historical review of the Teaching
approaches of the past, and the Modem approaches to the Teaching of the Basic skills:
Grammar-translation method, Direct method, Structural/audio-lingual Audio-Visual,
Cognitive and Communicative.
Instructional Aids: Principles of producing and using Teaching aids; Construction and use
of simple Audio, Visual, and Audio-Visual aids in the classroom; Use of Computer packages
in the Teaching of English.
The Language Laboratory: Organization, Care, and Maintenance of Language Laboratory in
a School
Assessment and Evaluation of Learning: Types of tests in terms of purpose and in terms of
method; Use of a variety of Evaluation Techniques: Oral tests, Listening tests, written tests,
and Activity tests; Designing a Classroom test.
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
no. 85 Galle Road, Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia, Colombo, Sri Lanka
St.George International Teacher training Institute, Taladuwa Road, Negombo, Sri Lanka
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