02 Years
Visual Arts and Design and Performing Arts Unit, Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Humanities offer Master of Arts Degree Programs catering to the national needs.
Aims of the Programme
The Visual Arts and Design and Performing Arts Unit of the Department of Fine Arts decided to introduce the present program to address a long-felt need of graduates in Fine Arts and allied disciplines who are employed in numerous fine arts-related vocations, and who were eager to access the advanced knowledge and current developments in the discipline.
Objectives of the Programme
The MFA is a hybrid research-oriented and practice-oriented program designed to provide the students with the most updated knowledge in art history, aesthetics, art theory, and art criticism, combined with advanced studio training with the aim of enhancing the quality of art teachers, art managers, art administrators, curators, designers, writers about art, graphic artists, practicing artists, or those who wish to pursue such careers.
Teaching Methods and Evaluation Criteria
All sessions are operated with lectures, practicals, workshops, and field studies that are conducted by specially appointed staff, and resource persons.
Sessions and Workshops
The duration of the degree program is two (02) years. The Courses are designed with Compulsory course units. Each Course unit bears its own credit weightage depending on the teaching and learning environment of the subject. However, a student must complete 60 credits in the two-year period, completing 30 credits each year. In each year, there are two semesters and the students have to register for all theory and practical sessions.
Each semester is comprised of twenty (20) weeks. Lectures and the practical sessions are conducted during weekends (Sunday) from 9:00am to 4:00pm in three (03) sessions.
The first-year curriculum of the Master of Fine Arts program will consist of six courses delivered through lectures and seminars. In the first year, the students have to write an assignment of a selected subject area, making a presentation before a selected panel of evaluators/ examiners.
In the second year of the program, students will be assigned to one of eight visiting mentor-artists of their choice to work on a Studio Thesis on a theme approved by the Visual Arts
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
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