2 Years
The Master of Business Administration (MBA) and the PGD in Business Administration offer the opportunity to obtain theoretical and professional knowledge for practitioners, experts and those who are looking for higher degree qualifications in the field of business. The 60-credit MBA qualification offers specialisation in several areas such as Finance, Marketing and Tourism, that will help them with their career advancement, while the 35-credit PGD provides the opportunity for an early exit as well. Having these qualifications means that graduates will be able to work responsibly, independently and with managerial spirit in general management, finance, tourism and marketing, and this will open up rewarding opportunities in their future careers.
The country is in a rapid development phase after the 30 years turmoil and the business sector is expanding at an exponential rate. This is demanding individuals with the high business calibre and visionary business leadership skills. The FGS-SUSL offers this programme together with the Faculty of Management Studies in order to fill the vacuum for multi-disciplinary MBAs in Sri Lanka.
Specialisation Fields Offered in the MBA Programme:
In addition to the MBA General programme, following specialisations are also offered.
Intended Learning Outcomes: MBA
Upon completion of the MBA programme, graduates are expected to be able to:
Intended Learning Outcomes: PGD
Upon completion of the PGD, graduates are expected to:
Life Skill Academy, Borella Rd, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka
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