Full Time
10 Days
Once a month
This model course aims to meet the English Language requirements and recommendations that have to be met by seafarers, as defined in the International Convention on Standards of training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers. (STCW 1978 amended)
Seafarers whose English is at a very basic level
(Knows a few words or phrases of English. May be able to string together a very basic question or sentence using a very narrow range of English but has extreme difficulty making himself understand)
Global Institute of Project Management - GIPM Campus, Ananda Rajakaruna Mawatha, Colombo, Sri Lanka
no. 30 Gnanartha Pradeepa Mawatha, Maradana, Colombo, Sri Lanka
no. 30 Gnanartha Pradeepa Mawatha, Maradana, Colombo, Sri Lanka
no. 30 Gnanartha Pradeepa Mawatha, Maradana, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Academy of Finance (Pvt) Ltd, Galle Road, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Millennium College of Aviation Studies (Pvt) Ltd, Sri Sambuddhathva Jayanthi Mawatha, Colombo, Sri Lanka
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