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18 Months
As an academic discipline, Psychology has bright prospects in the contemporary world which is characterized by competition and stress and the mad race for existence. Therefore the need for psychological help in various walks of life, from the qualified and professionally trained psychologists and counsellors, is increasing as never before. However, the shortage of psychologists and lack of awareness about the services offered by the field of psychology makes it imperative to adopt a dynamic and pragmatic instructional approach based on an advanced curriculum to attract and motivate students on a large scale to join for courses which purport to the management of psychological problems of different origin and nature.
The Syllabi for Higher Diploma in Psychology at Transmind have been prepared in such a manner as to encourage students with aptitude, interests, and skills to become an graduate in psychology and thus to speed up the availability of competent psychologists within the public reach. It tries to incorporate conventional, relevant and advanced areas by integrating and sequencing the courses, concepts and topics in a systematic fashion. Papers and contents within the papers are presented in such a way as to arouse and sustain the students’ interest and curiosity throughout the course and to optimize their inspiration to join for Bachelors final year and subsequently to a post-graduate studies. In the Higher Diploma syllabi, ample space has been created to include important branches like Cognitive, Social, Clinical, Educational psychology, Research Methods etc. Such courses could update the conceptual baseline of students and to open doors to the new approaches and techniques which enable them to develop a novel outlook for tackling psychological problems.
Psychology Top Up:
Entry Requirement
G.C.E O/L Foundation Diploma in Higher Education/Diploma from Transmind
AIB Sri Lanka, Charles Place, Colombo, Sri Lanka
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
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