02 Years
The Department of Commerce and Financial Management (DCFM) is the founder of commerce and management education at the University of Kelaniya and offers courses since 1976. Its streamlined courses, teaching, and research are aligned with the industry and community requirements. Accordingly, DCFM conducts the Higher Diploma in Business Program (HDIB) to cater to the needs of some identified knowledge seekers who have been deprived of the university education.
The Higher Diploma in Business Program, offered by the Department of Commerce and Financial Management is well suited for career beginners who are in need to continue their further studies while climbing the career ladder. It is particularly designed for those who dropped from direct entry to higher education but still seek an accredited and promising path to obtain higher levels of academic qualifications. We have laid the foundation to take you up the way forward from higher diploma level to post-graduate level.
HDIB is the ideal choice for getting you to your desired destination. HDIB is a more practice-based program and carefully designed, structured, and delivered to help our students to match their knowledge, competency
no.106/6 Borella - Rajagiriya Road, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Sri Lanka
no.106/6 Borella - Rajagiriya Road, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Sri Lanka
19 Makola Rd, Kiribathgoda 11600, Sri Lanka
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