Full Time
02 Years
Department of Accountancy is one of the five departments under the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya which offers three bachelor’s degrees, one master’s degree and the Higher Diploma in Business Accounting (HDBA) Programme.
With the phenomenon growth of Sri Lankan economy, the demand for Accounting and Finance executives is continuously increasing. The report of trustworthy source (ACCA 2012) stated that there is widespread growth of accounting and finance industry in Sri Lanka. Henceforth, there is a great demand for skilled and trained manpower in this field and this demand will continue to rise in future too.
Today, accounting and finance is an integral part of every commercial establishment; be it retail, manufacturing, banking, insurance etc. Keeping in view of these facts and the stable nature of accounts and finance industry, a large number of students want to shape their future in this. However, these students lack the practical skills in accounting
Life Skill Academy, Borella Rd, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka
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