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General views on methods of teaching: Need for acquisition of knowledge and skills
related to methods and techniques of teaching.
Methods of instruction and learning: Basic aspects, merits and demerits of various
methods; Monologue Methods: Lecture, Demonstration, team teaching; Dialogue
Methods: Group discussions, question – answer techniques, problems solving, tutorial
discussion, discovery method; Action Methods: Project work, Laboratory work, Workshops,
Assignment, Simulation and Role play; Self-study methods: Assignments, Practical,
programmed Instruction, Computer Assisted Instruction
Using different Teaching Techniques: Usefulness of using a variety of teaching techniques,
questioning, brainstorming, assignments, classroom activities, peer tutoring, informal
situations of learning.
Instructional Materials: Various instructional materials and their advantages and
disadvantages; Construction and use of such materials; Maintenance of reusable material;
Software for computer aided instruction.
Teacher and Educational practice: Role of teacher in the teaching-learning process;
Curriculum organization: Lesson planning-term, unit, and daily; Non-teaching roles of
Class management: Teaching; Student discipline; Teacher – Student interaction; Time
Assessment of Learning: Importance of assessment in the development of teaching
Practices; Different assessment approaches, Use of the result of assessment for
educational purposes.
AIB Sri Lanka, Charles Place, Colombo, Sri Lanka
F9PC+42M Kurunegala, Sri Lanka
Lanka TEFL Training Institute, 2/1 Old Kottawa Road, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
Lanka TEFL Training Institute, 2/1 Old Kottawa Road, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
Lanka TEFL Training Institute, 2/1 Old Kottawa Road, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
Lanka TEFL Training Institute, 2/1 Old Kottawa Road, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
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