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The Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) is a full-time degree for senior managers and above in the corporate sector. The target group for the programme represents senior managers, general managers, chief executive officers, company directors, leading entrepreneurs and those who hold similar or apex positions in their respective organisations. In the EMBA programme, the learning partners acquire knowledge, and apply the acquired knowledge through real examples and case studies. The entire programme is designed to be completed within one year.
This programme will enable the learning partners to become competitive, competent and strategic to respond to the challenges in the VUCA world. Additionally, this programme will ensure to transform the learning partners and their career trajectory to become corporate leaders, and elevate them to the levels of Corporate Board Room and beyond. The programme has a few especially selected courses to gain knowledge, and to be congruent with the evolving world. The structure of the programme, undoubtedly, adds immense value to our learning partners not only from the perspective of the domestic market but also from that of the global perspective. It also equips them with the distinctive competencies to gain insights and experience as to how companies function on a global scale.
AIB Sri Lanka, Charles Place, Colombo, Sri Lanka
AIB Sri Lanka, Charles Place, Colombo, Sri Lanka
no.106/6 Borella - Rajagiriya Road, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Sri Lanka
no.106/6 Borella - Rajagiriya Road, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Sri Lanka
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