Full Time
01 Year
This course will prepare you for employment in this industry as a direct support worker. It covers all aspects of support work for people living who are elderly, or, with intellectual and physical disabilities within a residential facility, a community services organization that provides ageing and/or disability services. You may also be working with people in their own home and community providing one-on-one support
This course will provide you with the knowledge skills and practice you need to support the personal care, wellbeing and daily activities of clients in need of specialized care. You will work learn how to be person centered, and support clients to develop individualized care plans. We focus on your legal and ethical responsibilities; how to provide personalized support and the empowerment of people who are elderly and/or are living with a disability.
· Minimum of one simple pass/’S’ at G.C.E A/L examination in Biology stream
· Sat for A/L in any stream Successful completion of the 02 months foundation course conducted by CINEC campus.
· Credit pass/’C’ for English at G.C.E O/L examination
· Pass with 50% marks in the aptitude test (Knowledge test and Language test) conducted by CINEC AND
· Successful passing at an Interview conducted by a Board of Academic Panel of the Program.
To complete this course, you will need to deal with the physical demands of personal care and be able to demonstrate genuine compassion and empathy towards others.
You will also develop strategies for communicating with people who have complex communication needs and learn how to support the skill development of an elderly person, and a person with a disability. Throughout the course, you’ll build up valuable skills that are necessary for working in the healthcare industry, from providing individual support to communicating with clients, colleagues, management and other industry providers.
You will be required to industry (work) placement over the course of your studies as detailed in the Assessment Requirements of the Units of Competency.
City Line Youth Campus (pvt) Ltd, High Level Road, Maharagama, Sri Lanka
City Line Youth Campus (pvt) Ltd, High Level Rd, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
F9PC+42M Kurunegala, Sri Lanka
F9PC+42M Kurunegala, Sri Lanka
122 Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Kurunegala 60000, Sri Lanka
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