Full Time
01 Year
This course is offered by Chisolm Institute, Australia in affiliation with CINEC Campus, Sri Lanka. It is designed to prepare students for employment in the field of Mental Health and psychology. This program covers all aspects of the role of a mental health worker who provide recovery oriented support for people with mental illnesses and psychiatric disabilities. You will also be getting the exposure to implementing community based programs and activities related to mental health, mental illnesses and psychiatric disabilities.
Mental Health program is structured with a strong emphasis on the skills and knowledge you need to work as a mental health worker in providing mental health services. Also, your legal and ethical responsibilities as a mental health professional will be focused during the program.
You will get hands on experience in working with people in a range of contexts such as community based non-government organizations, home based outreach, and center based programs, respite care, residential services, rehabilitation programs, clinical settings and organizational/work settings.
This program will support students to develop their academic skills and also encourages active learning by engaging with relevant and contemporary issues. You will also develop soft skills needed to support people with mental health issues.
A minimum of one (1) pass/ “S” at GCE (A/L) or equivalent (any stream) AND completion of CINEC mental health foundation program (Compulsory)
After OL, with completion of CINEC mental health foundation program (Compulsory)
English requirements:
A minimum of GCE (O/L) credit / “C” for english language subject or equivalent
Students completed high school years; grade 6 – 13 in english medium will be exempted from meeting the english language criteria
AIB Sri Lanka, Charles Place, Colombo, Sri Lanka
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
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