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An organization’s greatest asset is its employees. It is imperative that strategic human resource principles embrace a framework for attracting and retaining the right people for the right job, and builds high performing teams with consistent performance evaluation and management, coaching and monitoring, motivation, rewards and benefits.
Our course at Metropolitan Institute of Business Management (MIBM) offers you the Human Resource management know how for mastering one of the most complex and challenging professional fields. The course content introduces up-to-date international practices, techniques and functional Human Resource (HR) skills enabling you to be a successful HR practitioner. Our lecturers are committed to imparting specialist knowledge that would refine your interpersonal skills, develop the ability to select the tools and techniques most relevant to your particular challenges and work environment, and use both a strategic and ethical perspective in conflict management and problem solving.
The course has been constructed to instruct our students in the specialized HR management skills that would ensure a rewarding career in HR management. The curriculum covers core HR functions; planning and organization design, recruitment, induction, people skills and communication, and compensation and welfare management. Course content will be supported by activities, Powerpoint Presentations, videos and interactive discussions giving you a solid foundation in HR management competencies, adding significant value to organizational performance and taking you forward in your career.
Method of Delivery:
o The program will be supported by principle-based activities performed by students
o Powerpoint Presentations with videos / discussions / interactive sessions
Life Skill Academy, Borella Rd, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka
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