full time/ part time
3 Years
YEAR 1 (Studio 01) is the most interesting year of study and encourages students to understand and appreciate architecture. Considerable emphasis is placed on creative design and design appreciation through design projects and drawing exercises. In addition, Architectural Studies which includes drawing, writing, experiencing architecture and Computer Studies are done under the umbrella of design to provide a richer understanding of architecture. Under Architectural Communication students are encouraged to work on architectural drawings and writing in addition to following lectures and studios in Architectural and Technical Drafting, Perspectives and Sciography, Free Hand Sketching, Graphics, Model Making, Appreciation of Architecture through writing and Computer Studies. Experiencing architecture is done through a series of organized visits to places of architectural interest.
Theory subjects are classified as History/Theory/Society and Culture; Technology; Environment and Profession. The subjects taught are – Society and Culture (core subjects – History of Architecture, Ancillary Subjects – Art and Sculpture, Music, Photography); Technology (core subjects–Architecture and Structures, Materials and Construction and Building Services); Environment and Profession.
YEAR 2 (Studio 02) The aim in the second year of the course is to further strengthen and reinforce the students’ skills acquisition and awareness in Architecture. Students are encouraged to develop their drawing skills in 2D and 3D form. The design programme includes 4 to 6 design projects that focus on the various factors that influence architectural form – context, a community and its social values, anthropometrics and ergonomics and the programme culminates in the design of an urban house and a community of houses. Architectural Studies which includes Architectural Communication, Experiencing Architecture and Computer Studies are done under the umbrella of Design. The production of architectural drawings and writing are encouraged under Architectural Communication (measured drawing of a house and an appreciation, book reviews in relation to design projects). Experiencing architecture is done through a series of organized visits to places of architectural interest.
Theory subjects taught during this year are classified as History/Theory/Society and Culture; Technology; Environment and Professional Practice and it is more detailed, to widen the students’ awareness and knowledge. The subjects taught are – Society and culture (core subjects – History of Architecture, Theory of Architecture); Technology (core subjects – Architecture and Structures, Materials, Construction and Building Services); Environment (ancillary subjects- Climate Studies, Landscape and Surveying) and Profession.
YEAR 3 (Studio 03) is a year of systematic recapitulation of all subjects dealt with in the Part I years, with greater degree of concentration in preparation for the CSA Part I Diploma in Architectural Studies Examination.
The design programme in Year 3 guides the student to the overall synthesis of design issues to resolve architectural problems – handle design data, prepare a design brief; respond to development controls and building regulations, improve his/her decision making skills and design skills, reflect an integrated approach to design and display a general awareness of the profession and the construction industry.
During this year the student undertakes a Pre-CDP Project and a Comprehensive Design Project (CDP) aimed at demonstrating competence in problem solving and acquiring the technical skills necessary to create acceptable built environments at micro level. The CDP Project is a Mixed Development in Performing Arts/Leisure and Entertainment/Recreation within a wider community.
Theory subjects taught during this year are classified as History/Theory/Society and Culture; Technology; Environment and Profession Practice and are conducted with emphasis on the application of theoretical knowledge to the CDP. Subjects are taught as ancillary guest lectures and would cover a spectrum of inter-related disciplines – Society and culture (Principles of Context Generated Architecture and Design, Development Controls and Building, Health and safety Regulations), Technology (Structures, Materials, Construction, Interdisciplinary Design, Building Services) and Environment (Green Architecture and Alternate Technology). In addition, elementary Building Economics and the Principles of Managing a Small Practice are taught during this year under Profession. Students are also guided in Report Writing.
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
iCET - Institute of Computer Engineering Technology, Galle Rd, Panadura, Sri Lanka
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