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What is CIMA?

CIMA is the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, it is the world’s largest professional body of chartered global management accountants, and offers the most relevant accounting qualification for a career in business and finance. Headquartered in United Kingdom, we have over 229,000 members and students in 176 countries.

  • Certificate Level

    CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting (2017 syllabus)

    This subject primarily covers the economic and operating context of business and how the factors of competition, the behaviour of financial markets and government economic policy can influence an organisation. It also deals with the information available to assist management in evaluating and forecasting the behaviour of consumers, markets and the economy in general.
    The focus of this syllabus is on providing candidates with an understanding of the areas of economic activity relevant to an organisation’s decisions and, within this context, the numerical techniques to support such decisions.

    Summary of syllabus
    Each subject is divided into a number of broad syllabus topics.
    A percentage weighting is shown against each syllabus topic and is intended as a guide to the proportion of study time each topic requires.
    It is essential that all topics in the syllabus are studied, as all topics will be examined.


    Syllabus topic


    A. Macroeconomic and Institutional Context of Business


    B. Microeconomic and Organisational Context of Business


    C. Informational Context of Business


    D. Financial Context of Business

    Format: computer based
    Availability: on demand at any of the 5,500 Pearson VUE centres around the world
    Length: 2 hours
    Questions: BA1, BA2 and BA3 each contain 60 objective test questions, while BA4 contains 85 objective test questions.
    Marking: computer marked
    Results: provisional result available immediately followed by confirmation no more than 48 hours later

    Further information
    Objective Tests are comprised of a range of items including short multiple choice questions, number entry questions, drag and drop questions and other formats. In BA2 and BA3 short scenarios may be given to which one or more objective test questions relate.


    Operational Level

    By passing the level, you will gain the CIMA Diploma in Management Accounting

    Operational level is the first level of the CIMA Professional Qualification and consists of three subject areas.

    The technical content at the Operational level

    The Operational level covers the implementation of strategy, as well as reporting on the implementation of strategy. Its focus is on the short-term.


    Operational level

    E1 focuses on the structuring of organisations. It covers the structure and principles underpinning the operational functions of the organisation, their efficient management and effective interaction in enabling the organisation to achieve its strategic objectives. It lays the foundation for gaining further insight into both the immediate operating environment and long-term strategic future of organisations, which are covered in E2 and E3.
    Summary of syllabus

    Each subject is divided into a number of broad syllabus topics.

    A percentage weighting is shown against each syllabus topic and is intended as a guide to the proportion of study time each topic requires.

    It is essential that all topics in the syllabus are studied, as all topics will be examined. The weightings do not specify the number of marks that will be allocated to topics in the examination.

    Weight Syllabus topic
    25% A. Introduction to organisations
    15% B. Managing the finance function
    15% C. Managing technology and information
    15% D. Operations management
    15% E. Marketing
    15% F. Managing human resources


    Format: computer based Objective Test
    Availability: on demand at any of the 5000 Pearson VUE centres around the world
    Length: 90 minutes
    Marking: computer marked
    Results: provisional result available immediately followed by confirmation no more than 48 hours later

    Further information

    Objective Tests are comprised of a range of items including short multiple choice questions, number entry questions, drag and drop questions and other formats. They test all component learning outcomes across the whole subject.


    Management Level

    By passing the level, you will gain the CIMA Advanced Diploma in Management Accounting
    Management level is the second level of the CIMA Professional Qualification and consists three subject areas.

    E2 Project and Relationship Management
    P2 Advanced Management Accounting
    F2 Advanced Financial Reporting
    Management Case Study


    Management level

    E2 emphasises a holistic, integrated approach to managing organisations, from external and internal perspectives. It builds on the understanding of organisational structuring gained from E1 and is centred on the concept of strategy and how organisational strategy can be implemented through people, projects, processes and relationships. It provides the basis for developing further insights into how to formulate and implement organisational strategy, which is covered in E3.

    Summary of syllabus

    Each subject is divided into a number of broad syllabus topics.
    A percentage weighting is shown against each syllabus topic and is intended as a guide to the proportion of study time each topic requires.
    It is essential that all topics in the syllabus are studied, as all topics will be examined. The weightings do not specify the number of marks that will be allocated to topics in the examination.

    Weight Syllabus topic
    30% A. Introduction to strategic management and assessing the global environment
    20% B. The human aspects of the organisation
    20% C. Managing relationships
    30% D. Managing change through projects

    Strategic Level

    Strategic level

    Strategic level is the third and final level of the CIMA Professional Qualification and consists of three subject areas.

    The technical content at the Strategic level

    The Strategic level concentrates on making strategic decisions and providing the context for which those decisions will be implemented. Its focus is the long-term.

    E3 Strategic Management
    P3 Risk Management
    F3 Financial Strategy
    Strategic Case Study


    Strategic level

    E3 builds on the insights gained from E1 and E2 about how organisations effectively implement their strategies by aligning their structures, people, process, projects and relationships. E3 aims to develop the skills and abilities of the strategic leaders of organisations, enabling them to create the vision and direction for the growth and long-term sustainable success of the organisation. This involves successfully managing and leading change within the process of strategy formulation and implementation.

    Summary of syllabus

    Each subject is divided into a number of broad syllabus topics.
    A percentage weighting is shown against each syllabus topic and is intended as a guide to the proportion of study time each topic requires.
    It is essential that all topics in the syllabus are studied, as all topics will be examined. The weightings do not specify the number of marks that will be allocated to topics in the examination.

    Weight Syllabus topic
    20% A. Interacting with the organisation’s environment
    30% B. Evaluating strategic position and strategic options
    20% C. Leading change
    15% D. Implementing strategy
    15% E. The role of information systems in organisational strategy



Last Updated On: January 15th, 2024 at 5:32 pm


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