04 Months
The specialized variety of the English language used by lawyers and in legal documents is called legal English. Legal language means the language which is being used by a person engaged in the legal profession. Law is a technical subject and it has its specific language and terminology. The interpretation of the law is carried out by means of a specific language called legal language
GCE O/L or A/L Pass (Minimum).
IDM Nations Campus, Kovil Road, Vavuniya, Sri Lanka
IDM Nations Campus, Kovil Road, Vavuniya, Sri Lanka
Lanka TEFL Training Institute, 2/1 Old Kottawa Road, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
Lanka TEFL Training Institute, 2/1 Old Kottawa Road, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
Lanka TEFL Training Institute, 2/1 Old Kottawa Road, Maharagama 10280, Sri Lanka
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