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Intellectual Property Law is one of the fastest-growing and current areas of law not only in Sri Lanka, but all over the world. Intellectual property is a term that is used to describe property that is not capable of being physically possessed (like land, vehicles or jewelry) but rather, types of property that we cannot physically touch, but which have great economic value. Some of these areas include copyright, trademark, patent, industrial design, and geographical indications. In the modern day, there is not a day that passes without each of us having dealt in some way with intellectual property. When you purchase a product, the law of trademark governs whether or not that product is an original or a fake. When you listen to music, the law of copyright governs whether the composer and singer will be paid their dues, or whether someone else is illegally benefitting from it. When you purchase drugs from the pharmacy, the law of patent will regulate who has the authority to manufacture those drugs according to proper standards. Thus, the law of intellectual property has become something essential for the proper functioning of society.
However, the law relating to intellectual property was not taught in the traditional law school syllabus and has been studied only in recent times. Hence, it is seen that a large part of society has been unable to access knowledge relating to this part of the law. Considering this, the Faculty of Law has decided to introduce a certificate course in intellectual property law, to provide an opportunity to those who have been hitherto unable to study this subject, to do so in a practical manner.
IDM Nations Campus, Kovil Road, Vavuniya, Sri Lanka
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
no.90 Pagoda Road, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Sri Lanka
no.90 Pagoda Road, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Sri Lanka
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