Sinhala / English
03 Months
The INGRIN Institute of Printing and Graphics was established in 1997,as a result of the determination of Hon. Kingsley T. Wickramaratne, the Minister of Internal and International Commerce and Food, in order to offer training programs to impart knowledge on new technological developments to Sri Lanka’s printing, packaging and advertising industries. The main strength of the Institute was the technical support received from The INGRIN Foundation of the Netherlands, a highly recognized international organization involved in development of printing and graphics industry in developing countries. The INGRIN Foundation has recognized INGRIN Sri Lanka as one of the most successful training institutes established by them and has used it as a model for setting up similar institutes in Indonesia, Ghana, Surinam, South America, The Philippines, Malawi, Cameroon, Benin, Tanzania, Eritrea, Congo, Somalia, Honduras, Costa Rica and The Dutch Antilles.
During the first year of operation, the Institute conducted only 11 training courses with the participation of only 165 candidates. The Institute had maintained an impressive track record by increasing the number of courses as well as the number of candidates who participated in the courses over the years.
The number of candidates trained by the Institute has been increased from 165 in 1998 to1345 by 2003. The noteworthy feature is that in addition to increasing the number of candidates, the Institute had introduced a large number of new courses to equip personnel in the printing industry to meet the challenges of the rapid technological changes and developments in the global market place. The Institute, which offered only 11 courses in 1998, now offers 21 regular training courses.
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
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