part time
01 years
03rd February 2024
Top-up or Advance Entry is a pathway option available for candidates who have acquired qualifications and or experience that may be considered comparable with the content of learning of the course under consideration. Exemptions are provided after careful comparison of learning outcomes, content and assessment methodologies, a process known as academic mapping.
BSc (Hons) Project Management is a non sector specific degree which enables many professionals to acquire a globally recognised Bachelor’s degree in Project Management. If you are currently holding a Diploma / Higher Diploma or possess at least 5 years experience in Engineering, Quantity Surveying, IT, Business Management, HR or any other management discipline, you could be considered to follow this degree with an advanced entry option. Today, skill of Project Management is considered essential for Managers and Executives and acquiring this degree will enhance career progression, mobility, overseas employment and migration opportunities.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process used by regulatory bodies, colleges, and universities to evaluate skills and knowledge acquired with previous courses of studies with a comparable learning. Recognition of Prior Experience (RPE) process is available for candidates who can demonstrate work experience that reflect learning comparable with the content of an academic or professional course of studies.
Life Skill Academy, Borella Rd, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka
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