Full Time
4 Years
The Bachelor of Business Management Hons. The degree in Marketing offered by SLTC has been designed for those who aspire to become professional global marketers and are interested in progressing into a career in strategic marketing management, market research, product development, brand management, integrated marketing communications and retailing.
Marketing is considered the heart and soul of commercial activity. Due to its importance to the world of business, the basic objective of our degree programme is to develop superior marketing professionals, equipped with creativity and up-to-date thinking. This will help our students develop the necessary skills and competencies that will enable them to work in any modern industry. The SLTC marketing management degree focuses on producing top marketing professionals with a flair for creativity.
As a result, BBM Hons in Marketing provides a solid foundation in the discipline and encompasses the subjects of marketing communication planning, strategy, emerging technologies, progressive marketing tools, the latest trends and effective communication skills necessary to successfully market a brand, service, or product. Delivered by a faculty equipped with extensive experience in the local and global industries and academia, this programme is expected to broaden minds and help students develop the right skills and attitudes to succeed as future marketers.
Upon graduation, our students will be qualified to begin their careers as marketers in a multitude of fields including retailing, advertising, branding, consulting, marketing research, and international business. During the third year, SLTC marketing undergraduates undergo a mandatory period of industry training which provides them with valuable exposure to the profession, before their graduation.
Life Skill Academy, Borella Rd, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka
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