Full Time
04 Years
The Department of Human Resource Management (HRM) offers the Bachelor of Business Management (Special) Degree in Human Resource catering to the need of human resource professionals in private, public, and non-governmental sector organizations. Further, it produces entrepreneurs and Human Resource (HR) / Management consultants. Since its commencement in 1995, the department has been performing outstandingly taking a leading role in human resource management education in Sri Lanka. Currently, the industry has realized the uniqueness of the ‘Kelaniya HRM graduates’ possessing the attributes of the Graduate Attribute Profile and there is an increasing demand for undergraduates and graduates produced from the department, for internship and employment. The department regularly revises and modifies the curriculum offered to the students to enhance the quality of the educational experience.
AIB Sri Lanka, Charles Place, Colombo, Sri Lanka
AIB Sri Lanka, Charles Place, Colombo, Sri Lanka
no.106/6 Borella - Rajagiriya Road, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Sri Lanka
no.106/6 Borella - Rajagiriya Road, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Sri Lanka
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