Full Time
04 Years
Advancements in information and digital technologies are transforming how businesses operate, and consumers behave at a rapid pace. More recently, the Covid-19 pandemic has also given a glimpse of how e-commerce is likely to dominate our future. Therefore, marketing management as a discipline and a profession needs to embrace information and digital technologies as the future of business. A future where mere recognition of such developments is unlikely to be sufficient and more in-depth understanding and specialization is becoming a necessity.
As a farsighted and dynamic academic entity, DMM has not only recognized this immerging trend but has also taken the tangible step of developing the new degree programme – Bachelor of Business Management Honours in Digital Marketing. By introducing this new degree programme, DMM aspires to equip its graduates with not only new knowledge but also with timely skills that will allow them to thrive in the new technology and digital era. Moreover, the proposed curriculum augment well with DMM’s overall promise of Crafting Strategists, where a ‘strategist’ is defined as:
“Competent and self-geared graduate who is capable of inculcating marketing culture within the organization by integrating all other business functions with sufficient industry exposure’”
Life Skill Academy, Borella Rd, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka
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