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04 Years
The Department of Accountancy (DoA) offers Bachelor of Business Management Honours in Accounting Information Systems degree with the guiding philosophy of producing employable quality graduates that satisfy the requirements of the dynamic global business environment. The mission of the Department is “to develop students with academic and professional competencies to the competitive global environment through its sustainable excellence in Accounting education and research, and to enhance the position as the leading center of knowledge by fostering intellectual collaborations and taking strategic initiatives”.
To support its mission, the department seeks to provide its undergraduates with unique opportunities for personal and professional development by increasing their knowledge and understanding of the world around them and by improving their Knowledge; Skills; Attitudes, Values, Professionalism And Vision for life; and Mind-set and paradigm. Further, DoA revises its curriculum periodically to comply with the rapidly changing requirements of the world and to ensure the qualification standards are meeting the future global industry requirements and stakeholder’s expectations. Further, the curriculum is designed to keep in view the increased regulatory requirements and also to raise standards of its governance in a rapidly changing technological environment.
Further strengthening the visionary thinking of DoA, it was motivated to propose the new degree programme, Bachelor of Business Management Honours in Accounting Information Systems by addressing the changing role of the accounting profession with the development of Information and Communication Technology to cater to the emerging opportunities available for DoA graduates in national and global employment.
Life Skill Academy, Borella Rd, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka
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