Full Time
03 Years
February / September
Undertaking a BBA will give you a thorough preparation for business life. The aim is competence in the management of money, people, products and markets. We start with a broad coverage of the academic disciplines that underpin business.
You have the opportunity to apply these academic principles within the context of a mixture of core and optional subjects that will focus on subjects such as diversity and corporate governance. This wide range of skills is necessary in today’s competitive workplace, so as a graduate it will be a great advantage.
Eligibility for the program are as follows:
Students may also apply with pending Advanced Level Result
(The standard entry route for the program will be from the SLIIT Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business Administration and successful completion bridging module.)
Employers like people with business degrees as the BBA influences our everyday lives. For every organization you need marketing, finance, human resources and people.All of which you will be studying in this degree. This opens up many opportunities for you to gain employment in any of these areas.
One of the challenges of a degree in Business lies in its breadth. One moment you will be analyzing a set of company accounts, the next you will be speculating about an economy. Running a statistics package on the computer may be followed by a look at different forms of organizational structure. The course is designed to make you into an all-rounder who can cope with the many challenges of a career in business.
Another important challenge is the relationship of theory and practice. You will be equipped with knowledge which will both be applicable early in your career and form the basis for longer term personal development. Not only that, but this knowledge is interesting and relevant to your career and life. For example, why did the dotcom stock market bubble burst? Are house prices going to collapse this decade? So, with your BBA degree you could be the one being quoted in the newspaper or interviewed on the television.
Life Skill Academy, Borella Rd, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka
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