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A high-performance team is a group of people who share a common vision, goal and collaborate, challenge and hold each other accountable to achieve outstanding results. They trust and respect each other irrespective of their individual differences. Building a high-performance team is a journey. Adventure-based outbound training programme becomes a key ingredient in that journey.
Thus, UCL Corporate Solutions has specially designed a two and a half-day Adventure-Based Outbound Training Programme to develop the leadership, communication, team-bonding and problem-solving skills of your staff. It is an experiential learning process that involves the collaboration of individuals from different backgrounds and participating in both physically and mentally challenging activities.
• Understand the importance of self-leadership
• Take responsibility for their tasks
• Understand the importance of working in a team
• Develop skills to work in a team environment
• Develop skills to motivate self and others
• Develop communication and interpersonal relation skills
• Develop problem-solving and decision-making skills
• Improve critical-thinking skills
• Develop people management skills
The programme will include self-reflection activities, team building activities, communication skills development activities, trust-building activities, physical stretching activities, mind-relaxations activities, white water rafting, jungle trekking and several water-based activities to enhance participant’s capacity.
For Whom The programme is specially designed for the core work teams, technical/administrative teams, project teams and for people who work together daily.
Life Skill Academy, Borella Rd, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka
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