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6 Months
) Introduction
The necessity to offer a basic program ofstudy in library and Information science
(LIS) arises out of the needs of two distinct groups; namely, those who are
employed in primary job categories within the LIS profession without having any
G.C.E. A/L qualifications required to enter the Diploma programs in LIS and
for those who desire an introductory exposure to LIS. The course is designed to
develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes at elementary level, of those currently
working in the field of Library and Information Science and the future entrants into
the field. The program is at the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework level 03.
2) Target Group
For anyone working in the field of Library and Information Science or interested to enter the field of
Library and Information Science.
3) Entry Requirements
• GCE(O/L) (Old Syllabus): Passed six core subjects including medium language and mathematics and
have credits (C) or higher grades for minimum of (any) three subjects.
• GCE(O/L) (New Syllabus) (introduced in 2007): Passed six subjects including medium language and
mathematics and have credits (C) or higher grades for minimum of (any) three subjects.
• The above results can be achieved in two sittings.
• If these results are obtained in two sittings, the first results sheet must include passes in five core
subjects including medium language and mathematics and must have credits (C) or higher grades for
minimum of (any) three subjects.
4) Learning Outcomes
After completion of the program, students will be able to,
• understand the basic library operations,
• use ICT and English language for basic communication and information retrieval,
• identify the essential information services offered by a library,
• recognise the differences/similarities of different types of libraries,
• present information in a structured and organized manner associated with a library-related
5) Course Contents
1. Preparation for Professional Studies (ICT and English)
2. Introduction to librarianship
3. Collection development and management
4. Information services
5. Types of Libraries (Government, School, Public, University and other types)
6. Project report
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
50 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, United Kingdom
iCET - Institute of Computer Engineering Technology, Galle Rd, Panadura, Sri Lanka
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