SLIIT – Kurunegala

SLIIT Kurunegala Center, Mihindu Mawatha, Kurunegala, Sri Lanka Get Directions


Kurunegala Center
The Kurunegala Center of SLIIT was established in 2013 in collaboration with Ewis Career Training (Pvt) Ltd to admit 100 students for the first year of the degree program. The centre is located at Mihindu Mawatha Kurunegala.

This was established for the convenience of students in and around Kurunegala city to embark on higher education in Information Technology while being in Kurunegala in the first year. This centre comprises all the infrastructure facilities such as laboratories, library and lecture rooms for the first year students to follow the identical program as at other campuses. Students can earn the Diploma in Information Technology and Business Management of the SLIIT at the Kurunagala Centre. On completion of such studies, students can transfer to the Colombo Metropolitan Campus or the Malabe Campus to continue their studies towards the Diploma, the BSc Degrees and BSc Special Honours and BBA degree.

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