Hegoda School of Photography

Hegoda Schools of Photography, Galle Road, Colombo, Sri Lanka Get Directions


A pentaprism which is consisted of five sides, is placed in a SLR camera inside the ‘bump’ like area on the top of the camera. When the image is captured from the lens of the camera it transposes the image both vertically and horizontally. A mirror in the SLR camera corrects the bottom-up transpose while the pentaprism corrects the left-right transpose.

When you look at a standard prism from a side, it looks like a triangle. The center area of the prism in our logo depicts our institute and the circles filled with different intensities depict the students of different levels of skills and knowledge.

During the chemical photographic era, the main chemical used on photographic films was ‘silver bromide’. When the light hits on minute particle of silver bromide, the silver ions which are gathered are the first to be sensitive to light. These are called sensitive spots and the development of the film begins with these sensitive spots. When we look at the logo in different perspective, the triangle depicts a silver bromide particle and the circles depict sensitive spots.

The prism is also used to explain the basic mechanism of a lens. A lens can be considered as a combination of many prisms. When light travels out of a prism in to the air, it is decomposes in to seven colors of the spectrum just like in a rainbow. The color arrangement on the right side of the ‘logo’ is a graphical representation of a color spectrum.

Our ideas were beautifully transferred in to a single logo by Mr. Sisira Wijethunga way back in 1975.


Diploma in Photography

54/2 Old Kesbewa Road, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka

Beds NG
Baths Sinhala

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